Wednesday, December 3

The Walls are Closing In - Renewal Day 4 (?)

I just went over our holiday (well just December) calendar with Mike. I'd planned to clean the basement. That was my one (not too lofty) goal. But it seems like every day, there is something going on. I'm getting tense that I don't have any down time. I mean, I know I do. Its just that its a pretty big task and I needed a lot of time to focus on it.

And... I wanted to decorate the house all nice and bake lots of goodies and make my own gift tags, and do some personalized ornaments for people. I don't know if I'll have time for half of that. PLUS I have to do holiday cards! yikes!

All the 'want to dos' and 'have to dos' are swimming around my head, and I'm not sleeping at night with the thought of everything that needs to be done and the lack of time. How is that possible? I have 6 1/2 weeks off! ugh.

I think I'll just end every paragraph with some expletive - or just a gutteral sound. oooooph

There! that made me feel better. It brought a little silly into my ranting. Yea!

lol -- I guess its the simple things that help turn a day around.

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